There’s nothing like a tropical getaway. The sun, the sand, the fruity umbrella drinks, the puppies.
Wait, what?
If you’re fortunate enough to take a getaway to Turks & Caicos, you don’t have to while away all your hours sipping tropical beverages on the sand. If you want to, you can head over to a dog rescue called Potcake Place and spend the day playing with a puppy.
According to BarkPost, Potcake Place, which was founded in 2005, takes in abandoned and neglected puppies and places them out for adoption. Potcake refers to a breed common in the area, a mix of German shepherd, fox terrier, and Labrador retriever. They’re said to be smart and loyal and they are extremely cute! In fact, the photos on their website are making me want to book a flight to Turks & Caicos immediately so I can SNUZZLE ALL TEH PUPPEHS!
Tourists can go to Potcake Place, get a bag of supplies, and spend a day with a puppy. The goal is for people to socialize the dogs to make them more adoptable. Obviously, they also hope that everyone falls in love with their puppy-for-the-day and wants to take them home. If you do want to bring your pup home, the good folks at Potcake Place make it easy by arranging for vet care, travel permissions, and flying the pup home to meet you.
Puppy airmail, if you will.
Potcake Place adopts out about 500 dogs per year. If you want to know more, you can visit their website. If you want to go and visit, please take me with you!